Climate change

Executive Summary

The survey carried out in 2022 aimed to define how GO15 members deal with resilience and climate change.

The results of the survey highlighted that the relevance of the ‘climate change’ is high among the GO15 members, although a structured methodology for resilience analysis is not yet widely developed. Only three GO15 members have a development plan approved by government authorities.

The survey confirms that climate change is a common and relevant issue in planning and operation of the transmission grid. The main climate events identified are wind, hurricanes, tornadoes, snow/ice and heat waves. These severe climate events mainly impact overhead lines, in particular insulators, transmission towers, foundations, and conductors with both short-term and long-term effects.

Four TSOs have a structure and methodology for resilience analysis, but only two of them include climate change issues in their resilience studies. Some TSOs use climate models for RES plant productivity assessment and not for resilience analysis.

The majority of TSOs do not carry out analysis of the impact of climate change on the supply chain and the change in the consumption and generation mix.