Bruno Meyer, GO15’s spokesperson at the 26th World Energy Congress in Rotterdam

Bruno Meyer, GO15 Secretary General, brought the voice of GO15 members to the “Gridlock: No Transmission, No Transition” panel, at the 26th World Energy Congress. He particularly echoed GO15’s position on the importance of strong investments in power grids to ensure a safe and reliable energy transition.

The other panelists were:

  • Stefan Kapferer, CEO of 50Hertz Transmission
  • Priyantha Wijayatunga, Senior Director of Energy Sector Office, Sectors Group, Asian Development Bank
  • Manon van Beek, CEO of Tennet
  • Sonya Twohig, Secretary-General of ENTSO-E
  • Carsten Brügger, Vice President of Power Industry Group, ZTT Group